The Pioneers
The Unlocking ADHD website would not have been able to launch so quickly and provide such a wide-ranging coverage of topics relating to ADHD if it were not for a team of very hard working interns and volunteers. These wonderful individuals shared the vision to impact lives through content creation.
Other volunteers also helped behind the scenes in planning, strategizing and providing much needed cheerleading when the sheer enormity of the task threatened to overwhelm us. It truly takes TEAMWORK and when we all pool our energies, resources, experiences and talents together, magic happens!!
We wanted to recognize the efforts of all the individuals who believed in what we are trying to do and who spent countless hours creating their own pieces of this giant jigsaw puzzle. We are grateful and humbled to every one of them.
Our ground up volunteer driven initiative represents a microcosm of Singapore:
- ages ranging from 14 to 67
- comprising youth and working adults from different industries and educational levels
- locals, expats and international students
- different ethnic groups
Click on the individual photos to get to know our pioneer batch of volunteers better.
Thank you for helping to tell the stories and spread the word!