Dayyan James, better known as DJ, is the founder of CocosBotanica, a skincare and scent brand born from his unrelenting curiosity and creativity. With a background in technology, science, and entrepreneurship, he has worked in IT and finance roles across multiple countries before settling in Singapore nearly 14 years ago. As a husband and father of four, including a six-month-old son, Dylan, he balances a full-time job, his business, and family life.
Often described as “needing more attention in class,” “disobedient,” “off with the fairies,” and “could do better if he just focused,” James has always been a non-conformist. While people may be more polite about it now, it’s likely that similar sentiments are still expressed behind his back.
Read his #ADHDStory below.

When did you get diagnosed?
I was initially diagnosed with ADD as a child, but it wasn’t something that was actively managed back then. It wasn’t until earlier this year, after my wife encouraged me to seek a formal diagnosis, and after delaying it for a couple of years in fear that any treatment might stifle my creativity, I saw a psychiatrist.
What was life like before diagnosis?
Before I got the formal diagnosis as an adult, I was blissfully ignorant in the way I operated and for the most part just thought that it worked for me so that’s enough. I would however find myself getting really excited about something, spending a load of time and resources on it then not completing what I had set out to do. I also had a tendency to start 100 new things at the same time, and complete only 3 or 4. Though I could hyperfocus and dive deep into projects I was passionate about, it came at the expense of being present in other areas of my life, especially with family and personal relationships.
What was life like post diagnosis?
The diagnosis was a necessary formality, and a game changer. I’ll be honest and say, for the longest time I felt like seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist was admitting defeat, showing weakness and something definitely kept under wraps. But now, with the positive changes in my life and relationships that the visits have had, it has changed my view completely. It has helped me with focus, balance, and I think the biggest positive has been being more present. It hasn’t hindered my creativity and instead it has allowed me to prioritise tasks and finish what I start, which has had a positive impact on both my professional and personal life. Before, I mentioned starting 100 new things and finishing 3 or 4, now I start 10 things and finish 10 things.
What do you think are your greatest ADHD strengths?
ADHD gives me the ability to think outside the box and see possibilities others may miss. I can hyperfocus on things I’m passionate about, which has been a huge asset in developing my business. The creativity that comes with ADHD has also allowed me to experiment and innovate in ways that have helped differentiate CocosBotanica from other skincare brands.
How do you manage ADHD in daily life?
I manage ADHD by setting clear boundaries between my work, business, and family life. Medication has been helpful, but I also rely on tools like task lists and time management techniques. Having a supportive family and creating a routine that allows for both focus and flexibility has made a big difference.
How would you advise your younger self?
I would tell my younger self not to feel pressured to fit into the mold of what others expect (not that he/I was trying that hard to fit in). ADHD doesn’t define your limitations, it’s what makes you unique. Embrace it and find ways to channel it productively, whether through creative outlets or pursuing what truly interests you.
Complete this sentence: ADHD is…a challenge and a superpower – but mostly a superpower.
Many thanks for stepping up to be our #Champions4ADHD and spread ADHD Awareness, hope and inspire others. This is an important step to create more understanding, acceptance and opportunities for ADHDers in Singapore. Read more inspiring stories of ADHDers here!
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